David Lindsley Photography

Archive for June 2010


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I took a trip to Manchester for a few days to catch up with friends and to see the Blackpool University photography graduate exhibition. Its always good getting away and seeing some good exhibitions and photography work. But anyhow some more street shots…

Why is it that every City or big town has a crazy pigeon lady or man? There were hundreds of the things. It made me laugh because it was a hot summers day and the umbrella was obviously not there to stop her getting wet with rain.

From top to bottom: Ben, George and Ian.

Written by davidlindsley

June 28, 2010 at 4:17 pm

Posted in Uncategorized


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Finally had a bit off time of work to get my Amsterdam images edited from this week. Going back to my main photography love usually done when travelling…street photography. I have the opinion that it is also the people and population of a City which adds to its identity just as much as the physical setting. There seems to be a certain theme to these shots……..bike’s……mainly because you just can not get away from them here. I have a lot of respect for this green City, and how bikes are a excepted part of culture and society instead of cars. Something which I think a congested, polluted and dirty City like London has a lot to learn from.

I have enjoyed my trip back to the world of b&w..it makes not having to worry about colour so much easier.

(click to enlarge)

The wait to get get into Anne Frank’s house was about as long as I was expecting..so we didn’t bother to go in..

No idea why he was filming this..

The guy below took off his mask after this shot and said I had to pay to take his photo. I am gutted I didn’t capture his mad expression though

I should really upload a b&w version of this image but i quite like the tones in the colour version.


Written by davidlindsley

June 20, 2010 at 3:33 pm