David Lindsley Photography

Archive for September 2010


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A bit more street doco to add to the blog. I feel bad not uploading anything for a month or two. Think its about time I got things moving. I had a great time in the city as I always do with it many great sights, sounds and smells.

(Click to enlarge images)

The guy below was spouting off religious lines I believe. I always find at least one Christian ramming his beliefs down your neck in Trafalgar square.

There was a protest where they were also asking for signatures for a petition against the latest eastern stonings.

The next stop on the Sunday was Notting-hill carnival which is the biggest street carnival in Europe. A great celebration of Caribbean culture draws big crowds in every year. I was pretty disappointed as I only got to spend just over an hour or so there, and didn’t get there on main parade Monday. Next year I am definitely spending a few days there to get a better feel for things. Such a great place for street photography as well.

As always in England at and festival or carnival there was rain. But still it didn’t seem to dampen any ones spirits which was great.

I saw this man below in the far distance. I was instantly attracted to his bold jumper with the hat and glasses combination.

Hope you enjoyed! Looking forward to my big City move even more now

Written by davidlindsley

September 2, 2010 at 8:02 pm