David Lindsley Photography

Archive for November 2010

Lincoln mental Asylum

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I decided it was about time I had a venture round abandoned Saint Johns mental asylum in Lincoln, as I have wanted to for years. Was originally put off by tight security I had heard of, which was not a problem on the day. This incredible building was built in 1820 housing around 300 patients closing in 1989(20 years ago). It is a shame to see the building going to waste and getting more damaged after time. At times the floor felt very unstable and dangerous due to water damage with many holes. Spreading over a big area with many wings finding it hard to know if you were walking down a connecting corridor or a ward.  I wanted to capture the general dark feel of the building by taking this into account with my exposure and post process resulting in a dark overall aesthetic. As a photographer I found this a interesting subject to photograph due to the colors and textures. I enjoyed photographing a different subject and returning back to colour once again.

(click to enlarge)


The two images below are of the corridors with the tiny rooms or cells which felt very cramped. There were many rooms like this so I can fully understand how it originally housed so many people


Written by davidlindsley

November 11, 2010 at 4:46 pm